Olive fields by Noreen

Olive fields by Noreen
Mysterious, primordial world

Friday, 20 March 2015

I'm up and running!

I'm up and running!

Wow, I've just created my  blog on Eblogger. I have been busy as a bee, searching for a name and making a start. 
My main hurdle was how many of my creations, hobbies, writings and adventures to include in it.  Should I just write about my art?  I love nature, I love the sea, I love sunlight,  I love to paint.  Should I write about my love of travel and the trips I have taken?  Should I make it a photography blog?  I've been taking photographs since I was a teenager and am at present spending a lot of time trying to advance my technical knowledge.
Should I make it a healthy eating & exercise blog?  In the past I did a course on healthy lifestyle and did one-to-one private classes with people who wanted to loose weight.   I love my garden and have done so many courses over the years but who wants to read yet another gardening blog?  I am fascinated by psychology and the workings of the mind. There is so much to read, and to discuss. I love listening and talking with friends about  how we see life,  our experiences and our expectations.  I have friends who are wonderful cooks,  I'm so inspired by them,  I'm now trying out new recipes with exotic herbs and spices!  
My love for animals brings me great joy and I look forward to writing about the wonderful cats and dogs that have been part of my life. 
 So I think I'll write about all of the above and lastly my dream.......to have a little place in the sun, with a garden, a banana tree, and an orange tree near the sea with a sandy beach.   In my vision, I saw my husband (Mr.D) and I sitting on a wooden bench gazing at the boats as they gently bobbed against a sunset of orange and gold............

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