Olive fields by Noreen

Olive fields by Noreen
Mysterious, primordial world

Thursday, 31 January 2019


Spending Christmas back in our home in Cork was wonderful after being away for the past few years. The "icing on the cake" was our daughter spending a week with us.  Here she is decorating the tree.

On Christmas day we enjoyed a delicious Turkey and ham dinner.  I made a traditional desert, Trifle and we relaxed in front of the fire for the evening. 

 It was lovely to see so many houses decorated during the month of December. A house not far from here really goes all out.  People come from everywhere to see this display. There is a donation box in the garden where people can leave money and this is distributed to the poor in Cork via a charitable organization called Penny Dinners.

The weather was very mild throughout December and we managed to cut up more tree branches to add to our wood supply.  I think we overdid this because now we are both in a lot of pain with our backs.  Serves us right!! Too much in one go!  Ten minutes of sawing is really enough but when you make a start you want to continue and one ignores the warning signs....
We are now at the end of January.  Mr. D smoked his last cigarette almost 2 weeks ago. He is using a vap electronic cigarette with a very low amount of nicotine.  He is finding it difficult after 50 years of smoking but taking it day by day and doing really well.

The weather has turned really cold this week and we had a dusting of snow yesterday which froze as soon as it fell. The garden which is bare and desolate at this time of year looked pretty with it's white blanket.  
                           My homemade seat is still standing.

There were many accidents on the secondary roads with cars sliding on the ice on their way home from work. Motorists here do not change over to winter tyres because it's hasn't been necessary in the past due to only getting a few days a year of snow.  
Perhaps with global warming and so much ice melting in the northern hemisphere there will be more extremes of weather. 
It's actually colder today with rain which has washed the snow away. More snow forecast for tomorrow but we are so lucky in comparison to America and Canada who are experiencing a polar vortex right now.